The DMV–Department of Menacing Viruses

The DMV–Department of Menacing Viruses

The reeducation camps have been working assiduously for years, decades now to impart a singular message that the student-prisoners just cannot seem to get through their thick, common-sense nourished and fortified skulls; namely, government is beneficent, cognizant, and omnipotent.

The student-prisoners consist of those beyond the obviously shackled in Bismarck-Mann public Schulen because the traditional media sources have disseminated and sold obeisance to the State all the while.

All this has left a Western world prone to the real contagion, as Jeffery Tucker with such sagacity points out: We are really suffering from an epistemic crisis, and the source of the pandemic is government. And, if you haven’t noticed as of yet, government is all-in on the coronavirus. This by now had better be the greatest, deadliest, most life-altering contagion of human existence or else establishment lapdogs will have a lot of explaining that they’ll never actually do.

What government will invariably do (pace the great Robert Higgs) is grow, and as it mutates further, you can be sure liberty will diminish at an alarmingly similar if inverse rate.

The inevitability of something like the federal and then state and then municipal DMV–Department of Menacing Viruses–is palpable, and when such agencies prove to be as effective and efficient as the previous DMV’s, well you can be certain that just like the “poorly funded, microscopic CDC of yesteryear”, the new DMV’s will be requesting more money than we have. Amazingly–the Fed will have to print more.

As Tom Woods aptly and frequently stresses, imagine a private corporation existing for long with this track record. If Wal-Mart took on the responsibility of first preventing pandemics, then worked to ensure that panics–economic and social–do not result from them, and finally labored to incentivize others to come up with vaccines and solutions to combat infections, and Wal-Mart had failed as miserably as government has failed us yet again, Wal-Mart would be dead–and not because of an already weakened immune system. Its non-existence would be a result of its decrepit nature.

But the State plods on. Even the New York Times admits of the government bungling the response to COVID-19 from the onset. This refutes what Crazy Joe and Crazy Bernie asserted in their recent clown show of a debate–red tape reduced the ability of able people to combat the virus and save lives. Be ready to be inundated with propaganda that government was the hero in all of this once it is all resolved, and that to continue its heroic deeds, it will need more access to your wallet, your home, your property, your body.


Just a couple of years ago, I had the distinct displeasure to hear the most nausea-inducing speech ever. At a Model United Nations conference for high schoolers, a State Department lackey addressed the pliant crowd and spoke of her life’s work. It amounted to “combatting” child sex traffic in Southeast Asia. No real specifics of course–How many children were saved? What did the State Department actually do to stem the tide? But there was the ubiquitous corollary, “If only we had more funding to continue the fight” line.

All of that was disgusting enough. Then came the real ipecac: This woman actually then stated, “You all have to realize that government is like the air we breathe. You don’t often notice it, but when it is gone, we all begin to choke.” Dios mio!!!

Give Ms. State-Department-Lackey credit though; at least she was transparent about the views of the Deep State.


And now the air is so fetid that San Franciscans are told not to leave their homes, states are in states of emergency, and a guy you never heard of two weeks ago–Dr. Anthony Fauci–has succeeded in spreading not so much awareness as toilet paper mania.

Come on! Know how this plays out. Government never lets a crisis go by the wayside, and really, really smart people know this well.

In other words, stay healthy, aware and free in the age of the DMV.


3 Responses

  1. CephasS. says:

    This is 2008 on steroids and rather than letting bubble burst and then toxic easy money out, Fed’s trying to blow up a broken balloon.

    19th century solutions to panics much preferred.

  2. BoomBoomV says:

    “Government is like the air,” huh.

    Paging Dr. Orwell.

  3. Daniella Smith says:

    The virus is CUTE!

    I envision winter hats, golf balls, etc. being made and selling out.

    Maybe wearing the virus or hitting it with a club will be a stress release and finger to the man.

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