The Gates of Wrath

The Gates of Wrath

There they are. Bill and Melinda Gates.

You might wonder what has them so gleeful these days, you know, with the rest of the world languishing under anti-scientific lockdowns and the apparent triumph of totalitarian governments over the people while the elites bleat on about Trump being yet another “danger to our democracy”. Today, Macron and Merkel announced severe lockdowns because they polled the French and German people and found out that a majority in each country wanted to spend the next month (!) without human contact, the arts, sports, live entertainment so as to avoid contracting a virus that has a miniscule death rate. No. Of course they did not do that…

The truth is–and it is as apparent as day when the real veil of ignorance is removed from our eyes–the Gates and Dorseys of the world with their obsequious media partners and apparatchiks in Paris, Berlin, and Washington for that matter do not like you and me. They find us disgusting. This is a war against the masses, against popular culture, tastes, behaviors and attitudes. As I asserted in a previous post, the elites have gone from cancelling culture to the next phase, one that is of ubiquitous control and–should obedience not result–one that is eminently eugenic in nature. Indeed, their program has been underway for years. The Gates, for instance, are major funders of sterilization and abortion programs across the globe.

Remember when George W. Bush got all hot and bothered when he was asked in the aftermath of 9/11 why the Islamic world hates America, and Bush blurted out that they hate us for our freedom? Dumb. But a formulation that was on the right track nonetheless. Just insert ‘American aristocracy’ for ‘Islamic world’, and you’ve got it.

Remember too when you turned 16? Remember that rush of freedom? The ability to just jump in a car and go anywhere, do anything?

Yeah. Leftists don’t like that either.

On the Tom Woods Show this week, the great Tom Woods interviewed the great car expert and all-around erudite Eric Peters. When pressed as to what the end game is behind all of these absurd and taxing and actually anti-environmental auto regulations enacted by state and Federal agencies, Peters unabashedly stated the obvious: the left does not really care about the environment and certainly does not care about the plight of poor people. Personal autos provide autonomy. You could elect to go to your buddies to drink beer and eat cheese curds instead of going to a woke lecture on the patriarchy and sip on martinis. Pinkie-finger extended, in Madison, of course. You could turn Kanye on in said car instead of NPR–and your overseer Trotskyite public school teacher would never know. You could take said car through the drive thru at Burger King and opt for a real beef burger instead of something put out by a company called Beyond Meat. It beyond sucks.

And then last night came my first full Joe Rogan Experience (I know, I know), and it was captivating. It also confirmed all of the above. Podcast bliss.

All of this led me to think about a not-so well known episode from 1940 when The Grapes of Wrath movie, the film adaptation of John Steinbeck’s Great Depression novel, was released. Soviet commissars got hold of the film and thought it would be a good idea to show the film across the U.S.S.R. as it would serve as great propaganda revealing the evil effects of capitalism and the commensurate superiority of Stalinism. One problem: Even the Soviet masses’ opinions were hard to control. Those same commissars who had endorsed the film would just weeks later ban it. Why? Well because instead of being persuaded of capitalism’s faults, Soviet subjects marveled at the fact that even during a great depression, the poorest of Americans still owned cars! How lucky! The copies that still circulated about had the scenes with cars cut out like stories about a presidential candidate’s crackhead, sinister son who funneled foreign money to his inexplicably wealthy VP father disappeared from social media.

First they came for our cars, then our Twitter accounts, and then by the time that they came for us, it was too late.


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