The Iscariots

The Iscariots

This is all so Biblical.

The question is not whether the reign of evil, the Reich of the liars, cheats, murderers, thieves and scoundrels has arrived, but rather; how long is it going to last? Is this the pinnacle? Will there be enough Maccabees to fight back?

Those questions can really only be answered by those who still wish to comply, still wish to bury their heads in cement and allow it to persist.

Take Dr. Anthony Fauci (America’s own Dr. Mengele) and his attempt to answer questions during the most recent Senate hearing this past Tuesday.

Anyone who watched Rand Paul’s interrogation of Fauci with a free mind, an intellect not sold into voluntary and complete slavery to the 80 year old, self-proclaimed Dr. Truth-Science, anyone would have had to conclude that this man is an utter scoundrel.

More than that, he is an abjectly unrepentant murderer and liar.

Fauci’s claims, his arguments are not really claims and arguments at all. He just deflects when hit with evidence of his own e-mail correspondence with another professional shyster, Dr. Francis Collins, and then launches into a weird combination of an ad hominem attack against Senator Paul and a total strawman argument. That is followed by a claim of self-messianism as Fauci complains that his life and those of his family members are being placed in danger because of Paul’s factual criticisms.

That is pretty rich to say that to a guy, who since he has been a Senator, has been shot at by a Bernie Saunders supporter (I would say unhinged Sanders supporter, but that’s quite the tautology), blindsided by his coward of a neighbor while mowing his lawn (Paul was left with broken ribs and a punctured lung) and physically surrounded and hounded by–with his wife by his side–Antifa morons in Washington.

Never has Rand Paul used those actual rather than exaggerated threats and acts of violence to advance his own arguments or ideologies. You know why? Because Rand Paul is a man, not an emasculated elf who withers like a daisy on fire in front of questioning.

Fauci, on the other hand, is a weak, shell of a person; a salesman like his accomplice in crime, Dr. Rochelle Walensky, of big pharma products, including the genetic serums that do not work but for which they urge every American to sign on to their vaccine subscription model. The answer is always another shot. That is, another shot in order to sort of protect you from a gain-of-function virus that escaped from a lab that Fauci funded.

He is a murderer and a liar from the beginning, which reminded me of a certain ignominious figure from the Gospels. Judas, as it turns out, also had a passionate accomplice:

After he took the morsel, Satan entered him.” -John 13:27

You belong to your father the devil and you willingly carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and does not stand in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he tells a lie, he speaks in character, because he is a liar and the father of lies.” -John 8:44

Please understand, that as Robert Kennedy Jr. has indicated, Fauci has made an enormously lucrative career out of being a state-lackey for big pharmaceutical firms and has stopped at nothing to work on their behalf.

During the AIDS epidemic, Fauci ordered and engaged in “secretive experiments on hundreds of HIV-positive foster children at Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC) in New York City and numerous sister facilities in New York and six other states between 1988 and 2002.” Moreover, “Fauci’s NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) and his Big Pharma partners turned Black and Hispanic foster kids into lab rats, subjecting them to torture and abuse in a grim parade of unsupervised drug and vaccine studies.”

It should be noted that none of the drugs forcibly administered to these orphans, who conveniently had no parents or guardians to object to them being treated like guinea pigs, were therapeutic. They were known toxins. They were fed to these innocent kids so as to determine the level of physiological resistance to them. When kids objected to taking the drugs, they were surreptitiously ushered off to a hospital wherein a surgeon inserted a tube through their abdominal wall directly into their stomachs. Fauci and his SS doctor underlings then injected the poisons in that manner.

A mass, unmarked grave in New York bears the remains of scores of these poor kids. Fauci continued to ascend up the bureaucratic, public health system while his juvenile victims descended into the ground.


Sadly, the Reich does not stop with Fauci.

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and their ilk are out there trying to make themselves relevant again by blaming corporate greed for everything from the pandemic to historic inflation. Those damn supermarket companies who–already operating on razor thin margins–face record high costs for bacon to Brussels sprouts are price gouging, according to these economic ignoramuses– because that is such a successful business model. Come on! This is just pandering to the poor. Ask Fauxcohontas and Crazy Bernie how many campaign contributions they take from big business, and they will start deflecting like Fauci being asked about Wuhan.

Truth is: Warren could not care less about the poor. The minimum wage must be raised despite its clear, deleterious effects on the poor. The Federal Reserve–though the source of inequality in America and beyond–must never have its actions or very existence questioned, rather it is to be used as an instrument of social change, economic parity, racial justice, and climate salvation. Yeah, because criminal enterprise banks have proven themselves so adept at all of that!

Huh. Sounds oddly familiar.

How about Judas at Jesus’s anointing at Bethany?:

Mary took a liter of costly perfumed oil made from genuine aromatic nard and anointed the feet of Jesus and dried them with her hair; the house was filled with the fragrance of the oil. Then Judas the Iscariot, one of his disciples, and the one who would betray him, said, ‘Why was this oil not sold for three hundred days’ wages and given to the poor?’
He said this not because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief and held the money bag and used to steal the contributions.” – John 12:3-6

Thieves and hypocrites. Warren, Sanders, and the progressive types love to claim solidarity with the poor; all the while they steal from the productive. They cater to the privileged; meanwhile, it is the poor who they send away empty. They profane the sacred and hold themselves up as saviors. 

Interesting note too on this subject: It is likely that Judas and Jesus were at one time very close. That is to say that anyone entrusted with the apostles’ funds had to be someone in whom Jesus placed trust. Thus, Judas’s betrayal likely wounded Christ to the core, even if as it seems, Christ allowed His divine foresight to inform Him of Judas’s ultimate betrayal. 

Psalm 41 proves prescient of this:

‘He has had ruin poured over him;
that one lying down will never rise again.’
Even my trusted friend,
who ate my bread,
has raised his heel against me.” -Psalm 41: 9-10

This is not to say that Warren and Saunders ever had a close relationship with the Verbum Dei.

It is to say: Woe to the expropriators.


Sadly, the Reich extends well beyond the kleptocrats of the United States.

Klaus Schwab and his disciples at the World Economic Forum speak openly and boldly of a new, bureaucratic world order. The Great Reset is a vision of a one-world governing order and the attendant suppression of individual freedom in favor of collective dystopia.

Herbert Spencer once wrote: “Let men learn that a legislature is not our God upon earth, though by the authority they ascribe to it, and the things they expect from it, they would seem to think it is. Let them learn rather that it is an institution serving a purely temporary purpose whose power, when not stolen, is at best, borrowed. Nay, indeed, have we not seen that government is essentially immoral? Is it not the offspring of evil baring all about it the marks of its parentage?… Violence is employed to maintain it.”

Violence is all the more inherent to a one-world government or mega state because the need for its deployment is simply compounded by a great magnitude. For it to exist, Schwab rightly points out, nearly all of the traditional institutions upon which human civilizations have thrived and survived, need to be eradicated–or at the very least, reprogramed. Individual rights. The family. Religion. Patriotism absolutely must be crushed. Free markets and the natural freedoms that come with them, like one we take for granted; namely that one is able to choose his profession, his life’s works need to be done away with as well.

All is to be given to and then redistributed by this uber-state in the interest of catch words like “sustainability” and “equality”.

So powerful have the weeds of secularism and scientism grown that the supposed intellectuals of the first-world have allowed themselves to be taken captive by them. These ideologies have so choked off their capacities for independent thought that they don’t see who is really in charge of the state.

Luke knew:

Filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the desert
for forty days, to be tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and when they were over he was hungry.
The devil said to him, ‘If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.’
Jesus answered him, ‘It is written, ‘One does not live by bread alone.’
Then he took him up and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a single instant.
The devil said to him, ‘I shall give to you all this power and their glory; for it has been handed over to me, and I may give it to whomever I wish.
All this will be yours, if you worship me.’
Jesus said to him in reply, ‘It is written: ‘You shall worship the Lord, your God, and him alone shall you serve.’” -Luke 4:1-8
John did too:
Now is the time of judgment on this world; now the ruler of this world will be driven out.” – John 12:31

That second temptation is a real doozy.

Satan owns the kingdoms of the world. And, he is not shy about it.

Remember: in the ancient world, the great men who held legendary sway over the people were the Cyrus-types, the Alexander the Greats, the Caesars of the world. Jesus was not unaware of the easy way out; that being, to avoid the Cross and then embrace the scepter.

But, His response to Satan is an eternal one, for an eternal end for His sheep. He wills that we will to worship Him, not that we are coerced to do so. God’s is an instruction, and a persuasive one at that. Still, He is so respectful of our free will that we must elect to be the elect once elected. These are the prerequisites of a truly happy and holy life.

All political elections are nothing in comparison.


Sadly, the Reich doesn’t end with Klaus Schwab and his Davos crowd.

Pope Francis and his band of fellow vinegar-faced prelates are on board the Iscariot train as well. The Vatican has opened the gates to every Great Resetter, Malthusian, and Covid hysteric the world over. They are even given positions and honors.

Aside from railing against the Trump administration and its waning, unsuccessful advocacy for a border wall, do you remember Pope Francis ever doing anything to speak out against state action?

The Wall Fortifications in that Bigoted City of Dubrovnik, Croatia. Oh the horror!!!

Any vociferous denunciation of Saudi Arabia’s war of genocide against the people of Yemen? How about China’s genocide against the Uighurs? Nope. Frankly, Francis and his lackeys really do not like speaking against power; that is, state power. 

Why? Because they owe their lives and livelihoods to government. Rather than being counter-cultural–as the Church to varying degrees always should be–the episcopacy (with few exceptions) is a loyal arm of the state.

The state supplies them with their 30 pieces of silver.

As I explained to two friends just last week, this is a summary of the status of the Church (at least in the Northern hemisphere) at present:

Unfaithful, watered down evangelization—> Ever decreasing attendance/contributions—> Closed parishes and schools—> Leased properties to public schools, government agencies—> More financial reliance on government—> Bishops become propagandist mouthpieces for the State.

I see a clear resemblance:

Now the feast of Unleavened Bread, called the Passover, was drawing near,
and the chief priests and the scribes were seeking a way to put him to death, for they were afraid of the people.
Then Satan entered into Judas, the one surnamed Iscariot, who was counted among the Twelve,
and he went to the chief priests and temple guards to discuss a plan for handing him over to them.
They were pleased and agreed to pay him money.
He accepted their offer and sought a favorable opportunity to hand him over to them in the absence of a crowd.” – Luke 22:1-6
As the great Jerry Bowyer points out in his book The Maker vs. The Takers, the chief priests commit to killing Jesus, not after He preaches about the coming of the Kingdom of God nor after the Parable of the Prodigal Son. They commit to killing him after he clears the Temple of the money changers. That’s when he threatened their business model of usurpation of the faithful Jews. That’s the point in which Jesus’s claims of divinity became blasphemy. He had to be finished at that point.


We should take heart, however, in our fight against the Iscariots. 

To that end, look at the two, almost throw away lines from the above passage from Luke. 1. “[T]hey were afraid of the people.” 2. “[Judas] sought a favorable opportunity to hand him over to them in the absence of a crowd.”

They only way the Iscariots can carry out their truly diabolical plans is for the remnant Maccabees to lay down, to accept the lies, to apologize for the murderer, to buy into the supposed benevolence of government, to allow their proper ways of worship to be suppressed, to live and die without principle.

These are the days to prove that hopeful, humble resistance will be triumphant.

 These are the days to trust that two Nazarenes–not Cyrus, Alexander the Great, or Augustus Caesar–will “scatter the proud in their conceit.” (Luke 1:51)


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