The Mites Without Might

The Mites Without Might

If we hypostatize or anthropomorphize the notion of ideology, we may say that ideologies have might over men. Might is the faculty or power of directing actions. As a rule one says only of a man or of groups that they are mighty. Then the definition of might is: might is the power to direct other people’s actions. He who is mighty, owes his might to an ideology. Only ideologies can convey to a man the power to influence other people’s choices and conduct. One can become a leader only if one is supported by an ideology which makes other people tractable and accommodating. Might is thus not a physical or tangible thing, but a moral and spiritual phenomenon. A king’s might rests upon the recognition of the monarchical ideology on the part of his subjects.

He who uses his might to run the state, i.e. the social apparatus of coercion and compulsion, rules. Rule is the exercise of might in the political body. Rule is always based upon might, i.e., the power to direct other people’s actions.” -Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, 188-189.

This passage hit me like a lightening strike and then a crash of thunder.

It greatly explains the predicament of current, hapless leaders; in fact, the whole elite class. The ‘They’ in other words. It explains simultaneously their increasing frustration with we, the unwashed, non-conformist rabble. When applied to our current predicament, it is a source of immense hope.

The reports of reactions emanating from pope to president regarding “setbacks” illustrate this. Pope becomes unhinged because no one is listening anymore; that is, other than sycophants and fellow homosexualist-perverts whose sanctioned depravities depend on his continued authoritative cover for them. President is unhinged because, despite repeating exactly what the Geppetto-leaders behind the scenes tell him to say, the results just are not being realized. At some point, results matter, so when continental contingents of bishops tell you to go pound sand–it hurts. When your efforts to bury your political opponent through legal persecution (“law-fare” as the intoxicating Alina Habba has dubbed it) and propagandic demonization fail–all the while touting the irrationality that ‘democracy is at stake”–it makes even the most actually demented, sad.

Here’s the issue, to paraphrase: “A pope’s might rests upon the recognition of the Petrine, apostolic ideology on the part of Catholic believers.” Orthodox Catholics have concluded that exercising papal might just is not appropriate to who Jorge Bergoglio is–set the whole “Is he really the pope?” thing aside. He’s lost the whole ideology game. A similar dynamic is at play for ol’Crooked Joe and his band of wild étatists: now a majority of his countrymen just aren’t buying that he’s a functioning, consenting human being much less chief executive of the United States. Sure, from time to time both will brandish the necessary credentials–Francis just threw out an admonition against purchasing children through surrogacy, and Biden wants to bomb Iran–but, in terms of gravitas, in terms of convincing us of their rightful authority; the mites can’t make it right.




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