The Skulls of Bishops

The Skulls of Bishops

Tide Pod Vestments reveal just how shepherd-less the Church is.

“The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.”

-St. Athanasius of Alexandria at the Council of Nicaea, 325 A.D.


Outside of Minnesota it seems, at least in the United States, Catholic bishops caved to the state faster than Facebook, Twitter et al. cave to FBI, CIA and NSA security information requests.

If you are going to kowtow to state governors’ fiats, then forget a male-only priesthood; just start ordaining women to the episcopacy–after all, gone would be the pretense that they had stones.


Finally, a Wisconsin priest has been so bold as to point out the obvious.

From Tide Pod approved vestments to the censoring of orthodox voices–clerical and lay–within the Church, the modern episcopacy is a den of approved-culture vipers and state sycophants.

Do you really think Jesus Christ after 2000 years of plague, war, pestilence, terror, revolution and famine; do you really think, bishops, that He wants His churches closed and reception of the Bread of Life, prohibited?!

God bless you, Fr. James Altman.

Caritas Christi urget nos!


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