Thou Shalt Not Drink From the Tree of Life and Fun

Thou Shalt Not Drink From the Tree of Life and Fun

So the state (New York in this case but it could have been and has indeed been, anywhere) tried to repeatedly ruin Danny Presti’s livelihood, and as a result, he put an undercover sheriff on his car hood.

I hope his car was not damaged.

In a just world, this Mr. Presti would get medals, deference and sheepish handshakes from lesser men. Instead, he’s handcuffed and arrested. Should we not be applauding him for making a goon-state enforcer a hood ornament?


What does this incident in which a bar-owner-turned-Superman defied unjust laws have to do with Adam and Eve and the fig leaves the couple donned after they elected to defy the will of God?

It shows the extent to which the Karen, fear-mongering, politburo officials–from Newsom and Biden to Fauci and Birx–are willing to go to protect their own fig leaves and simultaneously distract the rest of us (formerly of “the land of the free and the home of the brave”–good luck not choking on those words when we can sing again at a ball game sometime in 2023) from their failures as self-professed omnipotent omniscients.

They are not God, but they sure do love playing the role.

They told us to not wear masks, then to wear masks or you are a rube killing grandma. They commanded us to go about our lives and that one would be a xenophobe for not doing so, but then to lockdown (despite previous CDC recommendations that lockdowns would be ineffective and disastrous) so that elites could work from Zoom while blue collar labor slaves deemed essential toiled away and thus exposed themselves to the “deadly virus”. Sure, they needed to get haircuts and dine out and travel, but for the real remnant 99%, doing so would be an existential crisis for your neighbor. They told us to especially not eat of the Tree of Life and Fun, and yet because most of us followed actual science (like noting that without productive work, we would starve) we just didn’t listen.

As the great Thaddeus Russell has said: Focus not on their real and blatant hypocrisy. The fact is–per Russell–“They do not believe their own bullshit.”

Mr. Presti and the rest of us are now being chastened for our insolence against said bullshit.

The crucial question now is the degree to which the remnant refuses to don the faux-guilt fig leaf and the attendant degree to which we accept the elites who are about discard all the pretense of error and embrace naked–and fake–messianism.

So far, the media narrative-myth is that Co-Vid is a deadly disaster because of the selfish/silent majority who have not followed the scientistic diktats of our betters and because of the incompetence of the Orangeman. Now, as he did today, Magic Man Joe Robinette Biden is looking to impose a 100 day (why not 99, 98, 50?–oh, because FDR had that famous span of destroying the country during the Great Depression) mask mandate, coercive vaccination, contact tracing (goodbye 4th Amendment), and Fed support for blue-state lockdowns. When spring comes along with herd immunity after the 100 days, those in the progressive cathedral, having been previously chastened by the disastrous and unnecessary public policies for which they previously advocated, will shout victory over the virus while breaking their shoulders to pat themselves on the back. Don’t you believe it.

These people are power whore demagogues who wax about care for the needy while they support every law, regulation, order, institution and corporation designed by their malfeasant nature to keep the rich rich and the poor poor, from the Federal Reserve, to the university system, to JPMorgan Chase.


And the faux gods said after the masses ate of the fruit of the Tree of Life and Fun and Freedom: “Where are you, Adam and Eve?”

Do not put on that leaf; do not answer at all, for they are the grave transgressors–not you.


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