Where, Oh Where Did Stephen Colbert’s Talent Go?


Where, Oh Where Did Stephen Colbert’s Talent Go?

He’s wondering about it too…

When was the last time Stephen Colbert was actually funny?

I can’t bring myself to watch his monologues anymore, but I am subjected to some one-liners on promos and YouTube adverts, and man is this guy unfunny.

If you can’t be funny in the age of Trump, dear Lord, when can you? I mean, Showtime has been good with the production of a satirical cartoon about our orange president. Comedian Dave Smith (far superior to Colbert) produced an amazing comedy special with a lot on Trump.

And then there’s Colbert, with a team of writers, who can only make you feel awkward and–dear Lord–want to vote for the orange man again just to wipe that smug, echo-chambered-to-death look off of his face.


Look; in a way, I get it.

Colbert cannot be funny about Trump because his hatred for the guy is so intense, so all-encompassing that there is no room for levity.

Levity is key to humor.

Colbert won’t allow himself to be funny about Trump because his presidency is, in his mind, such an existentially grave matter. So, everything–including jokes–have to be campaigns. And campaigns make for terrible comedy shows and even worse tours. Have you seen what’s going on in Iowa?!


I suppose there is one exception to that above rule:


I guess that is what we libertarians will never understand about the coastal, elitist left; namely, can’t we just laugh about this to a great extent?

He is, after all, no worse than, I don’t know–every president in my lifetime and probably since Calvin Coolidge! All of them should have been impeached for actual crimes that ended up killing hundreds if not thousands of people!

So get a grip.



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