Who Was There for This Little Boy?


Who Was There for This Little Boy?

1. He was born with heroin in his system.
2. Weened off of drugs for the first few months of his life, he was placed in foster care with a relative.
3. An Illinois state court returned him to his demonic parents despite repeated reports of abuse and squalor inside the home.
4. Employees from top to bottom at Illinois Department of Child and Family services ignored, neglected and sat on their hands while this little boy was pummeled by his parents. At least half of the more than dozen official reports from hospital staff, neighbors, and police officers prompted no action from staffers.
5. Six months ago, his parents beat him to death. Their son. Their boy. They beat him to death.
6. The three primary case workers have been “punished” with paid desk duty. They remain in their positions despite what what yet another government lackey declared to be gross “indifference and incompetence.”

This little boy was all alone, and no one had the basic courage to advocate for him. He suffered in heinous ways. He died alone, and his parents buried him in a shallow grave to cover up their most savage and despicable crimes.


What again does the state do well?

The most insidious effect of statism amounts to creating the moral hazard that so long as the government monopolizes and regulates child protective services, people acquiesce to the state and believe the care of the most vulnerable to be “not my problem” or “something only the state can handle”. A.J. needed someone to wake up from the slavish bowing to the state and the obsequious inertia that always seems to follow, and then precede horrific crimes. No one did, at least completely.

The Chicago Tribune article on the case ends on a ridiculous note that only the most easily deceived could believe; namely, with new leadership and an 11% budget increase, change is coming to the department.

Because, after all, it’s only with the state repeated and catastrophic failures are rewarded with more money. What a sham.


Detractors: Before you go on to judge me, saying something inane like “he’s politicizing this boys death,” go pound sand or better, dig a hole and crawl inside of it. I submit the obvious to a candid world—Illinois, Crystal Lake, and the hundreds upon hundreds of superfluous levels and agencies of government failed A.J. We do not need more.


God rest his soul. May his obscene suffering on Earth be compensated with eternal, thrilling, intense and utter joy in Heaven. Justice is God’s and now it is A.J.’s too.

Deus solus facit ex nihilo.


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